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Drivers/admin should be able to edit/add delivery address notes.
Robert Andrews
I have customers. They sometimes are stupid. Mark the wrong spot. Mark it wrong consistently. Or don't give a full address, which is a common problem. Drivers in the V4 Deliverys app should be able to edit address notes, to make a note for the next driver. As a superadmin, I cant even edit address notes. That seems like a problem.
This feature has been recently launched and is available in our Ordering 2.0 Products.
Kind regards
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Mensajes técnicos innecesarios y estorban
Rogel Merida Tello
en la business app o en la cuenta de un comercio desde el website, en la seccion de mensajes del seguimiento de un pedido aparecen notificaciones de direcciones ip, datos técnicos del servidor de la plataforma. a travez de l builder habilitar la opción de dejarlos o quitarlos
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Order App messaging needs an option to be disabled.
Hon Kiu Chan
There should be an option to disable app messaging by users.
If used by restaurants, the app messaging is a great tool to communicate with users but a lot of my restaurants are not able to have a person monitoring for messages. They receive orders vis GPRS printer and do not actively use the website dashboard during opening hours.
This causes customer dissatisfaction when their messages are unknowingly ignored.
Having a switch to allow restaurants that want to use messaging to activate it and those that don't to deactivate it is needed.
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Onscreen notfications for messages from business app
Easy Eats Richard
If a customer sends a message to the business the business app does not receive an onscreen notification (like the driver app) of the message.
This is causing none of the messages to be read by the business so I have to message the customer myself and then call the restaurant with the message which is time-consuming and defeats the purpose of the messaging.
Example of issue:
It should work like the driver app like this:
I reported to to support who said to add it here.
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Red color notifications on orders with direct customer messages
Germán Larraín
Red color notifications on orders with direct customer messages.
So to differentiate from the actual blue bubble, that is the same on automatic change state messages and the one tha customers send. That are the real important ones not to miss.
This is the bubble on the right of the order number on the orders grid panel.
Thiagarajan Manoharan
I agree. This is very important. Not just a text to show up.
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