Improvements when creating Delivery zones
under review
Andrew Doumith
Ordering will a feature be related to create delivery zones automatically based on distance rule? For example, it automatically creates the zones by a provided ratio, then those zones can be edited if need be afterwards. This will be 10x more fast than creating each zone one by one when I have 200 Merchants I need to do this for.
Tua Christiansson
This is in real need. It simply doesnt make any sense if one wants to create a ie. first zone using the ratio and lets say 3km and then to add a second zone from 3-5km ? We can only use the polygyn (ok, fine we can do that) but the first zone is not visible so how are we suppose to guess where to start the second zone? Simply impossible task. So either to have the zone visible when creating a new one and another easy quick fix for Ratios would be to allow to create fields such as 'zone1, ratio 0km-3km" 'zone2, ratio 3km-5km'
Thank you for seeing the importance for this function. We are in charge of the delivery zones and do not allow businesses to do this for very oblivious reasons, and to create zones to our 300 businesses is close to impossible task to add second zones
Andrew Doumith
We need the ability to set deliveries for merchants automatically by distance of merchant to customer.
Merged in a post:
Delivery zone
Elie Levy A Tu Puerta 507
the functionality of polygons in delivery zones is very complicated, it should be a single one where one can place the entire polygon that covers the service and additionally within it, put the distance in km for example and the cost of delivery in cases where the price of delivery varies by area. In addition to at least being able to copy a delivery zone in other places since it becomes very inaccurate at this time and there may be areas outside that if it is attended
it would be great if we can use like Tookan with city boundaries this much more efficient and reliable
Ramon Ramirez
under review
Mauricio Callu R.
Hello Ordering! we are constantly improving to provide you with the best platform. As soon as we have updates on the delivery zone we will let you know!
Mauricio Callu R.
Hello there Edward and Yunier.
To create a way like zip codes you have the circle feature which shows you miles and Kilometers and then you name it the zip code you need.
We currently don't have something like adding the Zip Code and then a zone gets created, however, we have this added in our product road map.
If you need this to be sooner I recommend you to request custom work, our developers' team is 100% prepared to create a feature like this.
Request custom work here:
Edward Chee
I suggest it also should let us input POSTCODE to set delivery charges and less spend time using polygon.
Edward Chee: por codigos postales seria lo mejor