Rank products and product options in custom order
Ramon Ramirez
Hello everyone, this new feature is already released for the productos 2.0: https://d.pr/v/neNH2r
Andrew Doumith
Users should be able to rearrange the order of items and caegories on the dashboard very easily with a drag and drop. Please implement this functionality.
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Positioning for Products and Product Options
Tua Christiansson
Please look into having positioning on the Products. This is very useful feature to have for example if one category has 10 items and gets one item added later on but this should be positioned on the top.
Same positioning function should be on the Product Options to manage what order the options will appear to the customer
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Improve the add properties to menu products, especify particular order of appearence
Germán Larraín
Today the order of appearence i not possible to change it, it just uses the order of creation of the list of general properties able to use for particular products.
So if a new property is needed, and i added at the end of the list, but i need to show it to the client as the first question, can't be done easily. And to delete and reconfig all is imposible with huge menus.
I imagine 2 posible solutions to this:
1.- That instead of only a checkbox, allow to write a number with the order of appearence, as shown in the screenshot upload
2.- Allow to reorder the general properties lists, so in every product uses this logic order
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Sort product names as per spreadsheet mode.
Carlos Gomez
Order the name of the products as per the spreadsheet mode.
The products names always get sorted in alphabetical order.
When you make a preorder with a closed business.
The order of the products names get sorted as per spreadsheet order.
It would be awesome if it always was ordered as per spreadsheet mode.
in progress
Mauricio Callu R.
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Ability to change the order of product
Osama Zarzour
I want to change the order of the product listing in a specific category but i was not able to do so. it is important and a must to have feature.
Germán Larraín
I've try "Wix Restaurants". I think that's the way!. Maybe improve copyng the best of it. Reorder, reuse, clones, etc.
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